Pregnancy loss (stillbirth, miscarriage, medically based termination) is a combination of losses suffered by a couple. The loss of the baby, the loss of hopes and dreams invested in this baby while the pregnancy was viable, the loss of this opportunity to become a parent to this particular child.
Mothers and fathers process their grief differently. Women tend to cope by talking about the painful feelings of sadness, anxiety, confusion, helplessness, somatic difficulties. Men tend to keep their pain more private and cope by keeping busy. Also, both may sometimes have delayed or displaced responses. This means their distress is expressed in marital and/or sexual struggles, difficulties at work and in other previously good relationships.
Psychotherapy with a specialist in pregnancy loss will help the couple process their grief and heal together. This means reclaiming psychological wellbeing and a sense of being in control of their life.
For a more in depth explanation of this, please read here (link).